The security settings could not be applied to the database because the connection has failed安装Mysql

The security settings could not be applied to the database because the connection has failed安装Mysql

发布者:IT人在线 | 发表时间:2023/2/19 23:03:42

 卸载MySQL5.5重装报错:The security settings could not be applied to the database because the connection has failed安装Mysql

  1. 把以前安装的Mysql删除
  2. 打开C盘,点击查看,然后点击隐藏的项目,这时候目录会出现ProgramData文件,然后点击这个文件,如下图:
  3. 删除MySQL文件夹
  4. 重新安装mysql就行了,祝你也成功